<img alt="React Tiny FAB" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dericgw/react-tiny-fab/master/logo.png" />
A tiny (~700 byte gzip) WAI-ARIA compliant Floating Action Button for React
v3 now relies on React version 16.8 and up because it is implemented using React Hooks
Want to use a Floating Action Button without having to import the whole Material Design Components library? Weighing in at only around 671 bytes gzipped, React Tiny FAB is a great solution. It is a lightweight, fast, and flexible component.
<img alt="React Tiny FAB" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dericgw/react-tiny-fab/master/fab.gif" />
Please visit here for docs: https://dericgw.github.io/react-tiny-fab
If you find an issue, head over to the Issues section and let me know about it. If you want to be super cool, you can submit a PR that fixes the issue.